[This article contains SPOILERS for Legends of Tomorrow.]


The CW is slowly trying to corner the market on DCEU TV properties, with newest additions Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow racking up decent ratings for the network. The latter show, which often combines and crosses over with fellow Arrowverse properties Arrow and The Flash, follows an ensemble team of unlikely heroes as they traverse through space and time to stop an unspeakable future evil.

The show concluded its second season this Tuesday to much discussion. The series left fans puzzling over a number of twists, as the Legends banded together to confront – and destroy – a horrifying alternate reality. The team’s assembler and former leader, Rip Hunter, also chose to depart, leaving the Legends in Sara Lance’s very capable hands. The series bid a touching goodbye to the original character, but recent reports reveal that we haven’t seen the last of Hunter.

According to TVLine, Rip Hunter may be gone from the team, but he’s not gone from the show. The tortured British time traveler is slated to return, per showrunner Marc Guggenheim, who said, “We’ve got plans for Rip for next year . . . It’s just in a different capacity than him being a member of the team.” Guggenheim also confirmed that the 2017 Los Angeles we saw in the series finale will not bleed over into other Arrowverse shows. The showrunner stated, “There will be an explanation in Season 3 as to why you’re not seeing dinosaurs run through Central City.”

It was certainly a treat for fans to see Arthur Darvill take on the mantle of Rip Hunter, as the actor rose to prominence as companion Rory during the early days of Steven Moffat’s crack at Doctor Who. It’s interesting to know that we haven’t seen the last of the broody mentor, who assembled the original Legends in an attempt to alter history and save his family. His departure from the team in this week’s finale was fairly expected, as Hunter spent most of his season 2 arc alienated from the main group. He reappeared several times throughout the team’s travels, with little memory of his original identity, before coming back to his senses in episode 13, ‘Land of the Lost.’

It would certainly be a shame to see Rip gone from the show forever, but here’s hoping that this planned return is spaced out and well-timed. It would be cool to see Rip as a recurring character that re-joins the team now and again to share his futuristic intel, but we don’t want to get jerked around by the former regular popping in and out of the show. All of the Arrowverse properties deal with returning familiar faces, with varied success, so it’d be great to see Rip’s return nicely blended into season 3.

Next: Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Finale Explained

Source: TVLine