The future of Fox’s X-Men movies remains very much uncertain - not in the sense of whether or not they plan to make more, but rather a question of which direction the franchise will head. Full plans for the main series’ continuation are unknown, while most recent production rumors have focused on spin-offs like Deadpool and the potential X-Force and New Mutants franchises.

Now, a new casting call sheet (if real) may shed new light on which characters might show up in one such production.

Revealed by hosts on The Hashtag Show (watch the video above), the call sheet (which would have been sent to talent agencies and other actor’s representative outfits in order to draw applicants for auditions) lists four actors all specified to be in their mid to late teens. While it doesn’t specifically name the characters being cast as X-Men universe heroes, the descriptions and names used would indicate that the sheet indeed relates to a New Mutants movie.

If accurate, the list would reveal (among other things) that the film is being based on the original incarnation of the team created by longtime X-Men helmer Chris Claremont. That version, created to harken back to the original “teenagers in school” vision of the X-Men concept as the main team became adults more focused on bigger-scale storylines, was later reworked by writer/artist Rob Liefeld and eventually segued into his X-Force series.

Said character list appears to include Canonball, Magick (Colossus’ younger sister - it’s a long story), Sunspot and Wolfsbane; described thusly:

No comment has been offered from Fox Pictures as to the authenticity of the list, which corresponds roughly to several other rumors that have surrounded the project for some time. The studio is currently in pre-production on the feature, along with an official sequel to X-Men: Apocalypse and a sequel to Deadpool that may or may not be used to set up the R-rated team-up feature X-Force.

[CHRIS] Male, 17 years old, Actor must be an adult (18 or over) or a legally emancipated minor; Tall, corn-fed Kentucky kid.

[ANNA] Female, 17 years old, Actor must be an adult (18 or over) or a legally emancipated minor; Russian, sexy, with an obvious mean streak.

[ROB] Male, 16 years old, Actor must be an adult (18 or over) or a legally emancipated minor; Brazilian, cool, confident and extremely handsome.

[JESSICA] Female, 16 years old, Actor must be an adult (18 or over) or a legally emancipated minor; British, punk rock shorn red hair, waif-like.

New Mutants is currently without a release date. We’ll keep you updated on the latest information.

Source: The Hashtag Show